In this paper, we study the problem of knowledge-intensive text-to-SQL, in which domain knowledge is necessary to parse expert questions into SQL queries over domain-specific tables. We formalize this scenario by building a new Chinese benchmark KnowSQL consisting of domain-specific questions covering various domains. We then address this problem by presenting formulaic knowledge, rather than by annotating additional data examples. More concretely, we construct a formulaic knowledge bank as a domain knowledge base and propose a framework (ReGrouP) to leverage this formulaic knowledge during parsing. Experiments using ReGrouP demonstrate a significant 28.2% improvement overall on KnowSQL.
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Text-to-SQL semantic parsing is an important NLP task, which greatly facilitates the interaction between users and the database and becomes the key component in many human-computer interaction systems. Much recent progress in text-to-SQL has been driven by large-scale datasets, but most of them are centered on English. In this work, we present MultiSpider, the largest multilingual text-to-SQL dataset which covers seven languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese). Upon MultiSpider, we further identify the lexical and structural challenges of text-to-SQL (caused by specific language properties and dialect sayings) and their intensity across different languages. Experimental results under three typical settings (zero-shot, monolingual and multilingual) reveal a 6.1% absolute drop in accuracy in non-English languages. Qualitative and quantitative analyses are conducted to understand the reason for the performance drop of each language. Besides the dataset, we also propose a simple schema augmentation framework SAVe (Schema-Augmentation-with-Verification), which significantly boosts the overall performance by about 1.8% and closes the 29.5% performance gap across languages.
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The robustness of Text-to-SQL parsers against adversarial perturbations plays a crucial role in delivering highly reliable applications. Previous studies along this line primarily focused on perturbations in the natural language question side, neglecting the variability of tables. Motivated by this, we propose the Adversarial Table Perturbation (ATP) as a new attacking paradigm to measure the robustness of Text-to-SQL models. Following this proposition, we curate ADVETA, the first robustness evaluation benchmark featuring natural and realistic ATPs. All tested state-of-the-art models experience dramatic performance drops on ADVETA, revealing models' vulnerability in real-world practices. To defend against ATP, we build a systematic adversarial training example generation framework tailored for better contextualization of tabular data. Experiments show that our approach not only brings the best robustness improvement against table-side perturbations but also substantially empowers models against NL-side perturbations. We release our benchmark and code at:
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Given a natural language that describes the user's demands, the NL2Code task aims to generate code that addresses the demands. This is a critical but challenging task that mirrors the capabilities of AI-powered programming. The NL2Code task is inherently versatile, diverse and complex. For example, a demand can be described in different languages, in different formats, and at different levels of granularity. This inspired us to do this survey for NL2Code. In this survey, we focus on how does neural network (NN) solves NL2Code. We first propose a comprehensive framework, which is able to cover all studies in this field. Then, we in-depth parse the existing studies into this framework. We create an online website to record the parsing results, which tracks existing and recent NL2Code progress. In addition, we summarize the current challenges of NL2Code as well as its future directions. We hope that this survey can foster the evolution of this field.
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The task of text-to-SQL is to convert a natural language question to its corresponding SQL query in the context of relational tables. Existing text-to-SQL parsers generate a "plausible" SQL query for an arbitrary user question, thereby failing to correctly handle problematic user questions. To formalize this problem, we conduct a preliminary study on the observed ambiguous and unanswerable cases in text-to-SQL and summarize them into 6 feature categories. Correspondingly, we identify the causes behind each category and propose requirements for handling ambiguous and unanswerable questions. Following this study, we propose a simple yet effective counterfactual example generation approach for the automatic generation of ambiguous and unanswerable text-to-SQL examples. Furthermore, we propose a weakly supervised model DTE (Detecting-Then-Explaining) for error detection, localization, and explanation. Experimental results show that our model achieves the best result on both real-world examples and generated examples compared with various baselines. We will release data and code for future research.
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给定编程问题,预训练的语言模型(例如Codex)证明了通过采样生成多个不同代码解决方案的能力。但是,从这些样本中选择正确或最佳解决方案仍然是一个挑战。尽管验证代码解决方案正确性的一种简单方法是通过执行测试用例,但生产高质量的测试用例非常昂贵。在本文中,我们探讨了使用预训练的语言模型自动生成测试用例,称我们的方法Codet:使用生成测试的代码生成。 CODET使用生成的测试用例执行代码解决方案,然后根据与生成的测试用例和其他生成的解决方案的双重执行协议选择最佳解决方案。我们在五个具有HumaneVal和MBPP基准的不同预训练模型上评估Codet。广泛的实验结果表明,Codet可以实现对以前方法的显着,一致且令人惊讶的改进。例如,CODET将HOMANEVAL的通行证提高到65.8%,在Code-Davinci-002模型上的绝对增长率为18.8%,并且比以前的最新结果相比,绝对20+%提高。
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代码生成是一个长期的挑战,旨在根据自然语言描述生成代码段。通常,昂贵的文本编码配对数据对于培训代码生成模型至关重要。最近,由于培训预培训技术的成功,大型语言模型接受了大规模未标记的代码语料库的培训,并在代码生成方面表现良好。在本文中,我们调查了如何利用未标记的代码语料库来训练以图书馆为导向的代码生成的模型。由于对于程序员重复使用第三方库是一种普遍的做法,因此由于库数量大量,文本编码配对数据很难获得。我们观察到面向图书馆的代码片段更有可能共享类似的代码草图。因此,我们为证书提供了两个步骤:草图器生成草图,然后发电机填充了草图中的详细信息。 Sketcher和Generator都使用未标记的数据在基本模型上不断预先训练。此外,我们制作了两个名为Pandaseval和NumpyeVal的基准,以评估面向图书馆的代码生成。实验结果证明了CERT的表现令人印象深刻。例如,它超过了基本模型,在pandaseval上的Pass@1方面,绝对提高了15.67%。我们的工作可在上获得。
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GPT-3和Palm等大型语言模型在几次学习中表现出色。但是,他们仍然在推理任务(例如算术基准GSM8K)上挣扎。最近的进步故意指导语言模型在产生最终答案之前生成一系列推理步骤,从而成功地将GSM8K基准从17.9%提高到58.1%,以解决问题的解决率。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的方法,即多样化的方法(关于推理步骤的多样化验证者),以进一步提高其推理能力。多样性首先探索不同的提示,以增强推理路径的多样性。其次,Diverse介绍了一个验证者,以区分好的答案和不良答案,从而获得更好的权重投票。最后,多样性验证每个步骤的正确性,而不是整体上的所有步骤。我们使用最新的语言型号Davinci-002进行广泛的实验,并证明多样化可以在八分之六的推理基准中实现新的最先进的性能(例如,GSM8K 74.4%至83.2%),超过棕榈具有540B参数的模型。
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We present LogiGAN, an unsupervised adversarial pre-training framework for improving logical reasoning abilities of language models. Upon automatic identifying logical reasoning phenomena in massive text corpus via detection heuristics, we train language models to predict the masked-out logical statements. Inspired by the facilitation effect of reflective thinking in human learning, we analogically simulate the learning-thinking process with an adversarial Generator-Verifier architecture to assist logic learning. LogiGAN implements a novel sequential GAN approach that (a) circumvents the non-differentiable challenge of the sequential GAN by leveraging the Generator as a sentence-level generative likelihood scorer with a learning objective of reaching scoring consensus with the Verifier; (b) is computationally feasible for large-scale pre-training with arbitrary target length. Both base and large size language models pre-trained with LogiGAN demonstrate obvious performance improvement on 12 datasets requiring general reasoning abilities, revealing the fundamental role of logic in broad reasoning, as well as the effectiveness of LogiGAN. Ablation studies on LogiGAN components reveal the relative orthogonality between linguistic and logic abilities and suggest that reflective thinking's facilitation effect might also generalize to machine learning.
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